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Nununu Achieved a 29.5% Uplift in Conversion Rate

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Group 19


Enhanced Experience to Premium Customers.

The team searched for a solution that could deliver an enhanced and personal shopping experience to their online customers, focusing on the user journey inside the online store. Their current recommendation system was basic and failed to deliver the expected results. The marketing content was produced manually and there was a need to automate it as well.

Group 12


Understanding that personalization has a substantial impact on the ability of the store to increase conversion rates and cart size, Nununu had to find a solution that fitted their needs.

Nununu had 3 goals


Group 13

“Dialogue has proven to show us substantial results in conversion rates, AOV and time on site. Dialogue’s solution has the ability to generate content automatically and then personalize it, resulting a ‘hands-free’ solution that does not require any work on our side.”

Shira Mimon E-commerce Director


In order to maintain Nununu’s brand guidelines, we had to use the brand’s vision and tone of voice to adapt the messages andnununu storyteller screenshot the content presented.


How did we do it?

  1. Fully customized assets – were implemented throughout the website and integrated into the store’s product, category, and cart pages.
  2. AI Personalization Algorithm – analyzed user intent based on actions and offered dynamic product recommendations, dynamic and personalized marketing content, and sales-driven messages.
  3. Fully automated content production – Rich & personalized content for each user’s preferences in real-time.
  4. Deep Data Dashboard with live insights and user-friendly reports to monitor the impact of Dialogue on Nununu. 


How Dialogue's Capabilities Help Nununu Improve Website Performance?

1. Improve shopper engagement and individualize experiences in real-time by using Auto-Generated Content

Storyteller™nununu storyteller screenshot 2

The Storyteller™ tells the story of products using rich media and text.  Each user will see a different Storyteller™ based on their preferences and depending on their journey in real-time.

Nununu’s catalog pages were seamlessly integrated with the Storyteller™, making the pages stand out by telling the product’s story with beautiful images and rich content. 




How does it work?

Our algorithm collects data in real-time while two shoppers browse the same catalog page.

Group 14



  17% of users who had viewed the Storyteller™ actively engaged with it, creating a richer, more engaging user journey.



2. Boost the website Revenue & AOV by using the Smart Cross-sell in the Cart page


Thanks to its ability to run completely unattended without any setup or configuration, Booster™ has set the bar for all cart recommendation solutions out there and separates itself from the competition.

Using cross selling, Nununu was able to offer it’s customers the best recommendation based on their journey and make sure that every visit ends with a sale.

The Booster™ connects with our prediction algorithm to offer relevant, interesting, and supplementary products to each user in  Nununu’s cart.

How does it work?

A shopper added the Splash bedding set to the cart.

The Booster™ show complementary products from the same collection, based on the shopper current journey, to complete the overall purchase.

nununu recommender


Using Dialogue’s Booster™, Nununu was able to achieve a 28% uplift in the average revenue per user.



Categories Carousel™

The Categories Carousel™ allows users to browse Nununu’s categories in an appealing and engaging way, leaving significant results on session duration time and engagement rate.

The carousel features the categories that will fit the user most, based on individuals’ intent and journey.

Our main goal was to create the most personal experience at every visit, leaving a long-lasting impression by making the site intuitive to browse and easy to purchase.

nununu categories carousel


How does it work?

The algorithm collects real-time data as two shoppers browse the home page. It analyses which categories shoppers are most interested in.



Group 8



Our Categories Carousel™ showed amazing results for Nununu with an immediate 52% session time uplift.

By utilizing Dialogue’s highly sophisticated algorithm, Nununu was able to show users the perfect categories according to their interests and achieved an incredible 50% uplift in engagement rate.


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Significant increases in session time, conversion rate and ARPU

About 50% of Nununu’s users engaged with Dialogue’s assets. These visitors have spent 52% more time in Nununu’s store.

Visitors who engage with Dialogue’s assets are twice as likely to convert and have three times the average value per visit than those who don’t interact with the assets.

Dialogue led Nununu to achieve a 29.5% increase in conversion rate without any additional effort.